It is the record for the phone interview with microsoft. Today is Feb 11 of 2020, my interview was yesterday. It is so embarassing to say that before the interview, I lost my appetite and pretty nervous. Still, I want to write down some interview questions I encountered.
I never met any questions like Tell me about yourself or Once upon a time you had conflict with somebody or Have you had a pretty vague project before or What do you see yourself in the following five years. All my questions(not technical question) are like, I see your work experience before, can you tell me how big is the network topology, like how many routers, switches or servers
. I wish I could remember or save a copy of that.
If I remember correctly, there are four routers and around 8 switches. It is not a big network topology. It is designed for private cloud. Tell me your CCIE experience? Tell me the difference between OSPF and BGP? Questions are pretty easy.I wish i could have a strong coding background. At least some internships as a software engineer. Microsoft is too good for current me right now. Next step, I am gonna focus on network automation.