This one is gonna be mainly talking about VPN(virtual private network. But What is the difference between OSPF and BGP, lets address that first. It is known that OSPF can achieve faster convergence compared with BGP. I am not sure because of that, OSPF requires intensive use of memory and CPU resources. In real life scenario, inside the network we put ospf. We use BGP to connect to the ISP in order to get access to the Internet. But I believe for company like Microsoft, It uses the BGP internally.
Next step, quick revivew of VPN. I mean real quick!
Firstly, it is used for two possible scenarios. Employees use it to get access to the company’s services or employees in different branches can communciate.
Basic components of VPNs
VPN Gateway, it is a device use to connect an entire network to the VPN. Authentication Servers for sure.